Samantha Lane wants to find a cure for breast cancer.
So much so that along with her sister, Jennifer Brown, and mother, Theresa Molesky, she has formed a walking team to raise funds for the Avon Walk and the American Cancer Society.
The Plant City trio, which operates under the team name Cups of Sunshine, will be holding its fourth annual Crafting for a Cure April 5, to raise even more funds. This is the first year the event will be held in Plant City. Local vendors will be selling kitchenware, jewelry, scrapbooking supplies, purses, beauty products and more.
For the past three years, Cups of Sunshine has walked in the Avon Walk, in North Carolina. Lane likes the Avon Walk for its grueling length. The supporters walk 39 miles in two days.
“It’s quite an experience,” Lane said. “The walk puts your body through stress — blisters, exhaustion, injuries. But, that’s noting compared to what a cancer patient goes through.”
This year, Cups of Sunshine is going to participate in the Hillsborough County Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk, at Channelside.
Cups of Sunshine has been walking in support of Phyllis Koons, aunt to Lane and Brown and sister of Molesky.
“It seems like everyone you meet knows someone who has had cancer,” Lane said. “It will be nice one day to have a cure.”
The idea to walk first came up in 2010. Lane had always wanted to do the Avon Walk. Since they have been walking and fundraising, the women have raised about $12,000 for breast cancer research.
Before, Crafting for a Cure was held at a church in North Tampa. But, when attendance declined, the trio decided to move it closer to home.
“I enjoy organizing and putting it together,” Lane said. “All the vendors are cool. I can’t pinpoint (my favorite).”
Contact Amber Jurgensen at ajurgensen@plantcityobserver.com.
WHEN: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday April 5
WHERE: American Legion, 2207 W. Baker St., Plant City
DETAILS: Come shop with local crafters and vendors while supporting the breast cancer cause. Items will include candles, jewelry, beauty, purses and bags, kitchenware, scrapbooking, edibles, wearables, and more.
COST: Free
INFO: Samantha Lane, (813) 323-5483, info@cupsofsunshine.org or cupsofsunshine.org