One Plant City youth moves on to now compete in the state competition.
On January 27, the Plant City Elks Lodge 1727 sent five youths to Port Orange to compete in the State Central Regional Hoop Shoot contest. Baylor Mueller will be moving on to the State Hoop Shoot contest held on February 17, at the Florida State Elks Youth Camp in Umatilla, FL.
In the hoop shoot, both male and female participants across three different age groups — ranging from eight to 13 years old — each got their opportunity to shoot 25 free throws.
“The competition was strong in the central region. All the kids did a great job representing the Plant City Elks Lodge,” said George Domedion, Exalted Ruler and District Hoop Shoot Director. “We look forward to having Baylor compete for the State Hoop Shoot title.”
Plant City Elks Lodge 1727 participants:
8-9 year-old girls – Baylor Mueller 1st place hitting 19 of 25
8-9 year old boys – Kyus Gaddis 2nd place
10-11 year old boys – Matt Story
11-12 year old girls – Addison Desmarais
11-12 year old boys – Kaden Montgomery 3rd place