For 10 years, the congregation at Pleasant Grove Assembly of God off Turkey Creek Road has been displaced. Its members have been holding services in a fellowship hall, which seats about 100 people. In that time, they all dreamed of a new place in which to worship.
That dream is finally coming true.
The foundation for a new sanctuary is being built and the sanctuary should be finished by this time next year. When complete, it will replace a sanctuary that had been on the grounds for more than a century. That facility was razed because of structural concerns.
Pleasant Grove owns about 40 acres on both sides of Turkey Creek Road. In the 1800s, a camp ground and pavilion hosted many camps and revivals by the Methodist church. The Assembly of God denomination bought the grounds and over time, the pavilion was transformed into a walled church.
“That’s why the whole community is really excited about building the new sanctuary,” the Rev. Joe Zaino said. “It’s been here for over 100 years. It’s part of the fabric of the community.”
The new sanctuary will sit about 300 people comfortably. In anticipation of growth, there also will be options to easily build a balcony later, bumping the capacity to about 450 people. The church congregation stands at about 150 now.
The cost of the sanctuary is $1.2 million. But the church is getting some amazing help. Part of the Assembly of God, RV Mission America Placement Services has stepped in to assist the church with construction.
As part of RV MAPS, a group of retired professionals with careers in contracting, construction, engineering, plumbing and more have combined forces to build the church for free. Volunteers have come from all throughout the United States to help with the construction. Many are from up north, including Michigan, Wisconsin and New York. The volunteers work from fall to spring on the church and stay on site in RVs, hence the name.
“They really answered the prayers of the congregation,” Zaino said. “It’s an aging congregation, and with the money they have saved, plus these men, they really answered our prayers.”
The volunteers arrived last fall and will work until April. In this first phase, they hope to have the foundation completed as well as the frame of the building. The volunteers will return this fall and work until next spring to complete the interior of the sanctuary.
In return, the church pays the mission $1 per day. It will save the church, in a conservative estimate, about $300,000.
“We’re excited,” Zaino said. “It’s giving us something to rally behind. Everyone’s working together, and it’s been such a positive experience.”
Contact Amber Jurgensen at ajurgensen@plantcityobserver.com.
Pleasant Grove Assembly of God
SERVICE TIMES: 10:45 a.m. and 6 p.m. Sundays. A Family Night is held at 7 p.m. Wednesdays.
ADDRESS: 7051 S. Turkey Creek Road, Plant City
INFORMATION: (813) 737-1012 or pleasantgrovechurch.com