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Wanna weigh in on the county’s truck routes?
Now’s the chance because Hillsborough Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) and Hillsborough County officials are asking citizens to participate in a survey about trucking activity. The County’s Truck Route Plan is being updated with the goal of of improved safety for all road users and reduced environmental impacts, so essentials like food, medication, and fuel continue to flow and quality of life for residents is preserved.
The purpose of the survey is to learn about citizen experiences and perspectives as they’ve interfaced with heavy trucks, semi-trucks, delivery trucks and other large freight carrying vehicles. Additionally, participants can suggest solutions to issues or other considerations regarding truck routes.
Plant City roadways included in Hillsborough County’s Truck Route Plan include E. Knights Griffin Rd., Medulla Rd., E. Sam Allen Rd., Charlie Taylor Rd., Paul Buchman Hwy., N. Park Rd., N. Wheeler St., W. And E. Baker St., E. U.S. Hwy. 92, State Road 574, E. Alsobrook St., a section of Park Rd., Coronet Rd., Medulla Rd., Turkey Creek Rd. and James L. Redman Pkwy.
“Despite the essential role trucking plays in all of our lives, negative effects can be associated with it,” said Wade Reynolds, AICP, Hillsborough TPO Executive Planner. “The truck route plan aims to balance the needs of truck freight movement, which is vital for our businesses and economy, with the broader community’s health, safety, and quality of life. That’s why hearing from the community through this survey is so important.”
The survey results will also contribute to the freight component of the 2050 Long Range Transportation Plan currently being developed by the Hillsborough TPO.
People who use Hillsborough County roadways are encouraged to complete the brief, interactive survey which is available in both English and Spanish, by July 31 at metroquestsurvey.com/fz6u6g?c=media. Participants who leave their email address will be registered for a drawing for a $100 Walmart gift card.
Learn more about the truck route plan survey and update at planhillsborough.org/help-us-develop-the-2050-freight-plan.