Elks Soccer Shoot winners
Three Plant City kids have moved on to the Elks Soccer Shoot Southeast Regionals after winning first place in the statewide round over the weekend in Umatilla.
Leslie Pena placed first in the U16 Girls bracket, Arely Salgado won the U14 Girls bracket and Gianni Jeronimo won the U12 Boys bracket.
Sign up for youth soccer
Registration has begun for the 44th annual Plant City Recreation and Parks Department/Optimist Club Youth Soccer Program.
The league is open to all area youths age 4-18 as of June 1, 2020 (birth certificate required) and the players will be divided into 11 age groups. The season starts in late March and runs through the end of May, with games mostly played Saturdays for players age 4-11 and on Tuesday nights for players age 12-18. More than 1,300 kids participated last year in 100 total teams.
Registration costs $35 per player and includes the costs for jerseys and supplemental accident insurance. Sign up by 4:30 p.m. Feb. 5 at the PCRPD office, 1904 S. Park Road, or by mail. For more information and to get a registration form, visit plantcitygov.com/parksrec/page/youth-soccer-league-ages-4-18, email recinfo@plantcitygov.com or call 813-659-4255.
Tri-Star basketball comp coming soon
Area hoopers age 8-13 are invited to the Tomlin Middle School gymnasium on Feb. 1 to put their skills to the test.
The 47th annual Plant City Optimist Club Tri-Star Basketball Competition tips off at 9 a.m. and will showcase competitors’ shooting, passing and dribbling abilities. You do not have to be in the city’s rec basketball program to participate, but the city team with the most players in attendance and in uniform will get a free pizza party.
The event is free and you can get a registration form by emailing recinfo@plantcitygov.com or calling 813-659-4255.
Colts to host free football camp
The Plant City Colts are starting a new tradition with their first annual football camp for boys age 4-15.
The camp, which runs from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Feb. 1, will be held at the MLK complex at 1903 E. Dr. MLK Blvd. and will cover all the football skills and drills athletes need to know to get better with help from the Colts coaching staff. Food will be available at the camp.
USTA seeking ‘volunteer aces’
The USTA Florida Section is now running its new Volunteer Aces program and is looking for anyone willing to help out with state tennis events, regardless of prior tennis experience.
“The reason why it’s important to bring in new leaders and volunteers is twofold really, I don’t think any of us could really be sitting here if somebody didn’t reach out to us, invite us in, mentor us, and help us grow and develop,” USTA Florida Executive Director Laura Bowen said in a news release. “I certainly wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for some of our longtime leaders who’ve mentored me and really encouraged and supported me, so I feel it’s my obligation to say how do we mentor and support others and bring them into the organization.”
Using the MyImpact mobile app and online platform, volunteers can view work opportunities and engage with USTA personnel. The app will display all opportunities in a volunteer’s area and will also track their progress so they may be recognized and rewarded by the USTA.
To sign up for the program, visit ustaflorida.com/volunteeraces.