Plant City Observer

Quick Hits 2.6.20

Crest cheer goes six for six

With a final score of 89.70 points in the Jan. 31 Class 2A Small Co-Ed state championships, Strawberry Crest has now won an incredible six consecutive state championships.

The Chargers will wrap up the 2019-20 season by competing at UCA Nationals in Orlando this weekend. Last season, Crest finished that tournament in fourth place, the best showing in program history.

Pick up next week’s issue to read all about the Chargers’ incredible FHSAA hot streak and to find out how they did at UCA Nationals.

Durant and Plant City also made it to the state championship series and placed third in the 2A Medium and 2A Small tournaments, respectively.

Area parks hosting tournaments

This weekend, U.S. Road Running will host the Ellis-Methvin Park Two-Person 10K Relay from 7 a.m. to noon Saturday at the park’s walking trail. Visit to sign up and get more information.

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GSA Baseball’s Spring Season Warm-Up Tournament was moved to this weekend and will take place at the Randy L. Larson Softball Four-Plex, Mike Sansone Park and Ellis-Methvin Park on Saturday and Sunday. Games start between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. both days.

Next weekend, the Plant City FC Lancers are hosting the Strawberry Classic youth travel soccer tournament on fields at Ellis-Methvin Park and the Otis M. Andrews Sports Complex. Games start between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. Feb. 15 and 16.

GSA Baseball will also host the FishHawk Presidents Day Bash that weekend and will use the Randy L. Larson Softball Four-Plex, Mike Sansone Park, Snowden Park and Ellis-Methvin Park on Feb. 15 and 16. Games start between 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days.

Tri-Star winners

The Plant City Optimist Club hosted its 47th annual Tri-Star basketball skills competition on Saturday morning in the Tomlin Middle School gymnasium. This year’s competition had 39 total participants among boys and girls age 8-13 and the PCRPD rec league’s Cadet-Tigers, which had the most players come to the gym in uniform, won the attendance competition and a pizza party.


Age 8

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1st: Kara Ouzts (74 points)

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2nd: Abela Cisneros (33 points)

3rd: Makayla Siegel (25 points)

Age 9

1st: Melody Contreras (83 points)

2nd: Myla Lawrence (75 points)

3rd: Eliana Vicente (60 points)

Age 10

1st: Bailey Keys (61 points)

2nd: Lily Hart (18 points)

Age 11

1st: Alyecia Wright (32 points)

Age 12

1st: Emily Blair (124 points)

Age 13

Thalia Gonzalez (87 points)


Age 8

1st: Troy Meek (81 points)

2nd: Anthony Gonzalez (69 points)

3rd: Christian Rios (54 points)

Age 9

1st: Brayden Marsteller (79 points)

2nd: Devin DuBose (64 points)

3rd: Caleb Guevara (51 points)

Age 10

1st: Daron Cofield (95 points)

2nd: Jarvis Duff (80 points)

3rd: Anthony Ferguson (50 points)

Age 11

1st: Brody Holloway (145 points)

2nd: Akiem Young (140 points)

3rd: Jaden Martinez (125 points)

Age 12

1st: Kyle Lewis (135 points)

2nd: Brayden Edgemon (126 points)

3rd: Brayden Keys (121 points)

Age 13

1st: Waylon Rogers (120 points)

2nd: Logan Teeden (119 points)

3rd: Jonah Brett (111 points)

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