Area parks hosting events
This weekend, the Plant City Dolphins will host Youth Spring Football League 8-on-8 tackle league play. Games start between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Saturday at the Otis M. Andrews Sports Complex.
Greater Orlando Baseball/USA Travel Ball will host its Baseball Lessons 101 tournament at Ellis-Methvin Park on Saturday and Sunday. Games start between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. in this 11U and 12U tournament.
GSA Baseball will use fields at the Randy L. Larson Softball Four-Plex for league play on Saturday and Sunday, with games starting between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
The National Club Baseball Association and National Club Softball Association are running their annual Spring Training Showcase tournaments at Mike Sansone Park and the MLK ball field. More than 70 college club teams from around the country will come through town all month. Visit ncbaspringtraining.weebly.com/ for baseball schedules, team information and more, and visit ncsaspringtraining.weebly.com/ for softball schedules, team information and more.
Next weekend, GSA Baseball’s Spring Break Classic will come to Ellis-Methvin Park, Snowden Park and the Randy L. Larson Softball Four-Plex. Games start between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. March 14 and 15.
Raiders, Chargers win 2020 Strawberry Festival Showdown at Crest
The annual Strawberry Festival Showdown at Strawberry Crest was quite a bit like last year’s tri-meet.
For the second consecutive season, both Plant City’s boys and Strawberry Crest’s girls finished the evening in first place and kept their trophies exactly where they’d been for almost a full year.
On the boys side, Durant placed second overall and Crest placed third. On the girls side, Plant City finished right behind Crest and Durant took third place when it was all said and done.