Learn coaching, officiating for free online
If you’re looking for ways to pass the time, the NFHS and BSN Sports are offering free online courses to help you learn about the sports you love.
If you’ve considered coaching youth sports when we’re all free to leave our homes and get back on the playing fields, BSN Sports is hosting a series of coaching clinic webinars at set dates and times through the end of April. Upcoming courses you can sign up for include:
— Lacrosse (2 p.m. April 14)
— Swimming with Olympic gold medalist Jessica Hardy (7 p.m. April 15)
— Softball with former All-American India Chiles (12 p.m. April 21)
— Track and Field, 100m & 200m training (2 p.m. April 23)
Visit bsnsports.com for more information.
If you’re thinking of becoming a referee, the NFHS Learning Center has 11 free officiating courses available until July 1. These courses will teach you how to officiate different sports, what to watch for when you’re working a game, how to prevent conditions such as heat illness or sudden cardiac arrest and more. Visit nfhslearn.com/home/officials to get started.