LifeLink of Florida Partners with Hole in One Donuts for a Sweet Celebration of Life.
Infinitely love Hole In One Donuts? You may be able to snag a free “infinity” donut Saturday, November 16 between 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. at the 1707 James L. Redman Pkwy. and 923 Lithia Pinecrest Rd. locations.
LifeLink Foundation will host a special tabling event at both locations where the first 250 visitors will get a free infinity-shaped donut and learn about the impact of organ and tissue donation.
The non-profit community service organization is dedicated to the recovery of life-saving and life-enhancing organs and tissue for transplantation therapy. The event is part of its Infinity Campaign, launched Aug. 19, to promote the ongoing life that organ donors provide to recipients.
“The infinity message is about leaving an infinite legacy after they’re gone, it’s about altruism,” said Ashley Moore, Manager, Public Affairs, LifeLink Foundation. “We want people to learn more about organ and tissue donation, get educated and make an impact by registering as an organ donor.”
According to LifeLink’s website, one organ or tissue donor can potentially benefit more than 70 people. Tens of thousands of organ transplants and hundreds of thousands of tissue transplants have occurred as a result of efforts by LifeLink and thanks to the generosity of donors and their families.
Florida is ranked third in the country for registered organ donors with approximately 11.3 million people, or roughly half the adult population, on the donor registry. “We still have a lot of work to do to get the message out that if there’s good you want to do, this is a great way to leave an impactful legacy and save lives,” said Moore.
It is estimated that 104,000 people in the U.S. are waiting for an organ transplant, with roughly 5,300 of them residing in Florida, who are actively awaiting a kidney, pancreas, heart and/or liver transplant.
Stop by either Hole In One Donuts location for a sweet treat while supplies last, and learn about the powerful impact of organ, eye, and tissue donation.
For more information about registering to become a donor or to learn about lives saved because of those donations, visit www.MyStoryContinues.com.