Plant City Observer

Search begins for new Plant City manager

Interim City Manager David Sollenberger wasted no time in beginning the search for former City Manager Greg Horwedel’s permanent replacement.

Sollenberger has solicited proposals from several different executive search firms and should have the field narrowed to three firms by the end of the week. He plans to forward those three proposals to city commissioners, along with his recommendations. The item will be on the City Commission’s agenda for its next meeting, which will take place at 7:30 p.m. Monday, April 28, at Plant City Hall, 302 W. Reynolds St., Plant City.

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Sollenberger said he has asked each firm to provide the following information:

• Scope of service

• Development of candidate profile

• Describe City Commission involvement

• Outreach and advertising

• Samples of advertising and brochures used in similar searches,

• Background checks and how performed for academic credentials, financial matters and criminal

• Similar searches conducted within the last five years

• Staffing used on this assignment and qualifications

• Schedule

• Guarantees


Plant City Utilities Department Director Frank Coughenour recognized six members of his department with service awards at the City Commission’s April 14 meeting.

Utilities Operations Superintendent Steve Saffels celebrated recently celebrated his 40th anniversary with Plant City. Saffels also received the American Water Works Association’s Operator’s Meritorious Service Award.

Wayne Abercrombie celebrated his 25th year with the city, and Bobby Wilmer and Patrick Murphy their 10th. Both Tony Bauer and Victor Castro celebrated their fifth anniversaries with the city.

The department also placed second for the Florida Water Environment Association’s Earle B. Phelps Award.

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The Utilities Department also is working to correct the water-quality issues associated with the water tower near Plant City High School.

According to Coughenour, the problems began after the water tower was taken out of service for repainting. The change affected water system circulation, and customers near that area experienced a drop in water quality.

“Chlorine residual was dropping,” he said. “When chlorine residual gets too low, we start to get some additional odors.”

To correct this, the department flushed the system and then backflow water through the plant.

Contact Michael Eng at


• The Plant City Commission proclaimed April as Water Conservation Month in Plant City. Southwest Florida Water Management District Government Affairs Program Manager Estella Gray accepted the proclamation from Mayor Mary Thomas Mathis.

• The commission also presented a proclamation naming April as Child Abuse Prevention Month in Plant City to Champions for Children Executive Director Dr. Brian McEwen.

• Commissioners authorized the city to enter into a $124,000 contract with Kamminga & Roodvoets Inc. to complete sanitary sewer improvements at Sydney Road. The company will replace the existing sanitary sewer manhole at Sunshine Dairy, 3304 Sydney Road. It also will replace about 120 linear feet of vitrified clay pipe with PVC.

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The City Commission has contracted with BBE-Boggs Engineering LLC to provide design services for Snowden Park. At the request of the Hillsborough County Environmental Protection Commission EPC, the city initiated an assessment of Snowden Park. The assessment revealed locations contained wood, glass and other debris two to six feet below the surface. The EPC is requiring the city provide remedial measures at Snowden Park. The city will cap the site using two feet of fill and replace the existing playground areas, ball fields, restrooms and basketball courts. The repairs will cost $600,000, which will come from the Hillsborough County Affordable Housing Services Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program.

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