Do you have a sports scoop for us? Email Justin Kline at jkline@plantcityobserver.com.
SCHS baseball hosting golf tourney
The seventh annual Strawberry Crest Chargers Baseball Golf Tournament fundraiser has a set date, and the baseball team is now taking sign-ups and sponsors.
The four-person scramble tournament will be played at Riverhills Country Club the afternoon of Dec. 16, with check-in at 12:15 p.m. and shotgun start at 1 p.m. There will be contests for longest drive, hole-in-one and closest to the pin events, as well as raffles, a live auction and awards.
Registration costs $85 per person or $340 for a team of four. The greens fee, cart, food and drinks are covered by the registration fee. Four different sponsorship levels are available for businesses that wish to sponsor the tournament. Checks may be made payable to the Strawberry Crest Booster Club with “baseball” on the subject line and mailed to Strawberry Crest High School, Attn: Eric Beattie, Head Baseball Coach 4691 Gallagher Road, Dover, FL 33527.
For registration forms and more information, contact Rhonda Bolt at rhonda@boltsmarketing.com or call 813-376-5215.
TCYFCC scores
(home teams marked with *)
Sept. 30
Mighty Mites
East Bay Bucs* 27, Dover Patriots 0
Lakeland Hurricanes* 42,Turkey Creek Trojans 0
Plant City Dolphins 1, New Tampa Wildcats* 0
Pee Wees
Bucs* 48, Patriots 0
Hurricanes* 53, Trojans 12
Dolphins 32, Wildcats* 6
Bucs* 24, Patriots 0
Hurricanes* 36, Trojans 0
Dolphins 48, Wildcats* 0
Junior Varsity
Bucs* 56, Patriots 0
Hurricanes* 35, Trojans 0
Dolphins 25, Wildcats* 0
Bucs* 22, Patriots 6
Hurricanes* 58, Trojans 0
Dolphins 54, Wildcats* 0