Do you have a sports scoop for us? Email Justin Kline at jkline@plantcityobserver.com.
Youth Fishing Derby returns
The annual Fall Youth Fishing Derby is just around the corner.
The second of two annual fishing derbies, the fall event is held at the pond behind Plant City Stadium and the Randy L. Larson Softball Four-Plex, located on Gordon Food Service Drive. The event is open to youths age 5 through 15 and will take place from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. Nov. 4 and prizes will be awarded at the end for those who catch the most fish, biggest fish and more.
There is no cost to register and participants may sign up online at PlantCityGov.com or in person at the Recreation and Parks Department administrative office, 1904 S. Park Road, before Nov. 2. On-site registration will be held Nov. 4 from 7:30 to 8:15 a.m.
For more information, contact Deborah Haldane at dhaldane@plantcitygov.com or call 813-659-4200 ext. 4302.
Local grappler wins belt

Carlson Gracie Plant City/Cross Guard Fitness owner Sam Kimmel competed in the North American Grappling Association Georgia Championship Oct. 21 and came out on top.
Kimmel, competing in the No-Gi Expert Heavyweight division, defeated Odolon Vassall to win the division championship belt.
“The guy had almost 50 pounds on me,” Kimmel said.
TCYFCC scores
(home teams marked with *)
Oct. 21
Mighty Mites
Pinecrest Pilots* 21, Dover Patriots 12
Brandon Cowboys* 33, Turkey Creek Trojans 7
Plant City Dolphins* 18, Lakeland Gators 14
Pee Wees
Pilots* 26, Patriots 0
Cowboys* 33, Trojans 0
Dolphins* 20, Gators 6
Pilots* 39, Patriots 0
Cowboys* 26, Trojans 8
Dolphins* 22, Gators 14
Junior Varsity
Pilots* 36, Patriots 0
Cowboys 31*, Trojans 0
Gators 27, Dolphins* 0
Pilots* 43, Patriots 0
Trojans 1, Cowboys* 0
Dolphins* 60, Gators 0