Sidelines 9.20.18
SCHS XC runners win
Two runners on Strawberry Crest’s cross country teams picked up first-place finishes in the last two weeks.
On the girls side, Taylor Johnson was the fastest runner on a muddy course at the Sept. 11 Leto Invite. Johnson ran the course in 22:40, almost a full two minutes faster than the race’s second-place finisher.
On the boys side, Ethan Ball stole the show at Crest’s dual meet against Brandon on Monday. Ball braved the late summer heat and finished first overall with a time of 20:15.
Tri-Star football skills competition
Plant City’s annual football punt, pass and kick competition returns next week.
The Tri-Star Punt, Pass & Kick Competition, sponsored by the Plant City Optimist Club and the Recreation and Parks Department, will be held from 8:30 to 11 a.m. next Saturday, Sept. 29, at the Otis M. Andrews Sports Complex, 2402 E. Cherry St. This is the 25th year the competition has been hosted in Plant City.
Competitors will try to punt, pass and kick as far as they can to win first, second or third place awards. More than 50 youth between the ages of 6 and 15 competed in 2017. As always, this is a free event with on-site registration.
Competitors must wear sneakers or tennis shoes to compete and must use equipment provided at the event. For more information, call 813-659-4255 or email recinfo@plantcitygov.com.
Patrick’s Patriots looking for twirlers
Local baton twirling outfit Patrick’s Patriots is now offering classes at the Planteen Recreation Center, 301 Dort St., and youth are invited to give twirling a shot
Classes are scheduled every Thursday from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. for beginners, from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. for intermediates and from 4:45 to 5:30 p.m. for middle schoolers. Competition-focused group and individual classes are also available.
Twirlers can march and perform with the Patriots Twirling Corps in the Plant City Christmas Parade, in the Florida Strawberry Festival parades, at civic events and more. Patrick’s Patriots have been twirling and representing Plant City in competitions since 1955. Call Barbara Patrick at 813-626-4554 for more information.