A woman released her parachute too early and floated into the pen at a Plant City pasture.
A skydiver who made a jump north of Plant City found out there is a little more to landing than softly touching her feet on the ground.
When Delta Frommel released her parachute too early on March 20, the wind floated her to a pasture behind a farmhouse off Bruton Road, where she landed in a bullpen.
“I knew I was in trouble,” Frommel said. “I could see the pen from the sky, but the wind was too strong.”
Luckily, the homeowner, Devon Brahman, was doing work on some fences near the pen. He distracted the bull while Frommel untangled herself from her parachute to escape.
“Old Angus is a mean one,” Brahman said.
Happy April Fools' Day.
Every year, it is a tradition to run an April Fools’ Day story — or two — to trick our readers. This year, April 1 landed on a publishing day, so we were able to create a fake cover with several stories and teasers that are in no way true.
We hoped you enjoyed our little prank. If so, tell us about it.
If you thought it was completely unprofessional and immature, we want to hear from you too.
Email Managing Editor Amber Jurgensen your comments and letters at ajurgensen@plantcityobserver.com.