James Money, a 94-year-old Army veteran of World War II, was the guest speaker during a Memorial Day event sponsored by the Springhead Civic Club, May 25.
Money spent 19 months and a day in the service, crossing the English Channel and arriving in Le Havre, France in December, 1944.
“I was assigned to the 37th Tank Battalion of the 4th Armored Division, part of Gen. Patton’s Army,” Money said. “We felt fortunate to ride on tanks and half-tracks as we moved through Europe, on our way to Germany.”
Money was wounded several times, earning three action stars as his unit fought their way into Germany.
“As we crossed the German border I was struck in the chest by a 38 caliber slug,” he said. “I was wearing a thick winter jacket and had placed my leather wallet inside my shirt pocket. The bullet struck the wallet giving me a heavy bruise but it only managed to barely break the skin,” he said. “Otherwise I would have been among the thousands of boys who were killed over there. It is their sacrifice that we must be thankful for as we live our lives today.”
Money, who lives in Plant City, said that he was drafted into the Army along with six or seven other young men from Eastern Hillsborough County. Several died in the war while the others have lived out their lives.
Money said that at 94 he thinks he is the last one, or at least the oldest one, still standing.
“I thank God that I was able to withstand the training and action I faced during my time in the service.”
– George Henry Newman