St. Peter’s Episcopal Church is one of the only historical churches in Plant City to still meet in its original building, but after more than a century, it’s time for some touch-ups.
The church has maintained its historical integrity throughout numerous renovations since it was built in 1908, and rector Tom Thoeni thinks another project is necessary.
“I’m not sure that going forward, the primary goal of St. Peter’s should be physical Band-Aids,” he said.
He does not want to place a burden on future generations of church leadership, so he and other church leaders hope to address building problems with high-quality, long-term solutions.
The church’s wood siding, which was installed in 1977, has begun to rot in some places, and there is also some roofing damage. In addition to these repairs, church leaders want to renovate the interior so that space is used more wisely.
“We have plenty of square footage; it’s just that it’s not used as well as it could be,” Thoeni said.
For example, the nursery is in the opposite corner of the building from the sanctuary, and he thinks children should be closer to the congregation during worship.
To raise funds for these projects, the church will host a yard sale Oct. 4, and a sit-down meal Oct. 11.
The church has organized yard sales in the past, but Thoeni said this would be the biggest yet, expanding into the surrounding streets. In addition to donated items, parishioners will prepare and sell baked goods and smoked pork.
At 6 p.m. Oct. 11, church members as well as the community at large are invited to dinner at the church.
Parishioner Mark Conner will lead the culinary team, which will serve stuffed pork loin, mushroom risotto, peach crisp and other dishes. Wine also will be provided. The St. Peter’s choir will perform popular songs and showtunes for the evening entertainment.
“It’s supposed to be lighthearted and funny, which we’re pretty good at doing,” Thoeni said. “As one of my mentors told me, what we do is so serious, that we can’t take it too seriously.”
Lladros figurines and other works of art will be available at a silent auction. Church members have donated their various handcrafted items for the auction. The highlight of the night will be the unveiling of architectural plans for the building and renovation. Because all proceeds from the event will be used for this project, church leaders will thank attendees by allowing them to be the first to see the plans.
The cost for the dinner is $50 per person. To RSVP, call the church offices at (813) 752-5061. Reservations must be made by Wednesday, Oct. 8.
1908: Building construction of the original sanctuary was completed on a lot at Wheeler Street and Mahoney Street.
1941: The building was renovated to include Sunday school rooms and the Guild Hall.
1953: After receiving a tempting offer from a hotel owner who wanted to expand into the church’s lot, the church moved its original building down the street to its current location.
1954: Hargrave House, the vicarage, was built.
1961-1985: The church underwent numerous renovations and expansions, including a nursery, a kitchen and administrative offices. The sanctuary was cut in half and expanded to become cruciform.
2003: Current rector Tom Thoeni was instated.
Contact Catherine Sinclair at csinclair@plantcityobserver.com.