Plant City Observer

Star Swimmer Saige Starford Earns Appointment to West Point

Strawberry Crest High School graduate and star swimmer, Saige Starford ,has accepted her appointment to attend the United States Military Academy at West Point.

When the Observer caught up with Starford, she and her family were making the 18-hour drive to West Point, located in New York, for July 1st Reception Day, also known as “R-Day,” where Plebes, also called “Fourth Class Cadets,” in-process to begin their 47-month experience where they are exposed to academic, military and physical opportunities that develop them into leaders of character.

Starford’s dream of attending a service academy began in middle school, when she was taking an AVID class. “One of the assignments was to write a research project about a college,” she said. “I wanted to do USF but somebody had already taken it and that’s when I learned about West Point.”

In high school she attended all the Service Academy Days and built up an impressive academic, sports and extracurricular record. The summer of her junior year she attended Summer Leaders Experience (SLE), a weeklong immersion into the academic, military and social life of a West Point cadet and United States Air Force Academy’s (USAFA) Summer Seminar.

“It was at the camp that I really fell in love with West Point and knew it was where I belonged,” said Starford, whose grandfather, Frank Medrano, was in the Air Force for 20 years.

“I want to serve because my grandfather taught me a lot about patriotism and love for our country and I’ve always wanted to give back,” she said. “During patriotic holidays he puts up so many flags outside his driveway.”

During her senior year she began the application process, which included completing a pre-candidate questionnaire, requesting a nomination from a Congressional Representative, completing a Physical Aptitude Exam and Medical Exam and completing West Point’s application.

After the lengthy application and interview process, she received a nomination to West Point and USAFA from Congressman Vern Buchanan. Starford was one of 11 area students that Buchanan nominated that received appointments to service academies. “I would like to congratulate these outstanding young men and women for their appointments,” said Congressman Buchanan. “They should take pride in having successfully competed with so many students from across the country. It is an honor not only for them, but for all who have supported them along the way. I wish them the best of luck and look forward to watching them serve our nation with honor and distinction.”

She received her appointment to West Point on March 24. “I had been nervous for so long and I didn’t know what was going to happen so seeing that I got in made me so excited,” she said. 

She was at school when she opened her portal and learned of her acceptance. “One of my favorite teachers was in the classroom next door so I stood up and asked my teacher if I could go and tell her I got in,” she said. “We were celebrating.”

She accepted the appointment on the same day.

For her parents, this college experience is unlike any other they’ve witnessed. “My husband and I are finding out that we’re not just sending our daughter to college, we’re sending her to serve in the Army,” said Brenda Starford. “I’m sad but mainly proud of her and admire all the work she’s put in that has led her to this moment. This has been years of checking off every box and then some.”

Not ready to give up her love of swimming, she plans to try out for the swim team during basic training. “We’ll see how that goes, hopefully I made the team,” she said.

She’s looking forward to the challenging days ahead. “I’m excited for it, I know it’s going to be hard and I know it’s going to be difficult but I’m ready for it,” she said.

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