Plant City Observer

Strawberry Crest High School’s 2024 Traditional Salutatorian: Katya King

When did you find out you are your class salutatorian? How did you react?

I found out I was my classes’ salutatorian officially when the semester ended and I went and got my student summary. I had always been in the top ten the last year or so but actually making it to the second-highest GPA was a big shock, especially since I never actually thought I would achieve it. It felt somewhat unreal and of course is a huge honor and reminder that all the work I did actually paid off somewhere. 

What is something you wish you knew about high school before entering as a freshman?

Going into high school I wish I knew about dual enrollment a little earlier so I would’ve been able to not completely overload myself to get as many credits as I have now. I also wish I knew that the only person you need to please is yourself because high school is such a wild time and you meet so many people with other interests that staying true to yourself is the only way you’ll actually be able to enjoy those years without facing the pressure of others. 

What is your favorite high school memory?

My favorite high school memory was my basketball senior night because I had both my basketball family and actually family/friends all there to support me.

What is the most important lesson you learned from a teacher or another student while in high school?

The most important lesson I have learned easily enough is to try my best, even if I don’t succeed. Success also looks different for everyone, but if I know that I have put in as much effort as I could’ve, then whatever results from it will be some type of success in my life. 

What extracurricular activities did you participate in? What was your favorite and why?

I participated in my school’s varsity basketball team for all four years and our culinary management team for the last two, to which this year we won states and placed fifth in the nation. I have to say that these both are my favorites and will always hold a special place in my high school memories because of both the success that came from all the hard work we put in and the people and coaches/teachers that I had the opportunity to travel, practice, and perform with. 

What are your plans after high school and your career goals?

My plan after high school is to go to USF in the fall and major in Medical Technology. With this and my previous 60 credits from HCC dual enrollment, I want to get my bachelor’s degree and hopefully move on to my master’s and a specialization in Cardiothoracic Technology, hopefully ending up as a tech in the operating room of a hospital one day for those types of bypass surgeries. 

What advice would you give students to help them improve their grades?

I would advise students to first and foremost turn in their work, because that’s half the battle of school. I would also advise them to not put so much pressure on themselves to make perfect grades or cheat their way through, because actually retaining the knowledge and being successful in a class is way more satisfying and actually useful than cheating your way through and ending up knowing none of what you learned the entire year. 

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