The Florida Strawberry, in partnership with the Plant City Lions Club, is changing the application process for the 2016 Florida Strawberry Festival Queen’s Competition.
Beginning this year, contestants can choose one of two available orientation meetings to attend, and applications will be made available prior to the orientations.
“We felt that having one, mandatory orientation really restricted the pool of young ladies that could compete,” Donna Keel, Florida Strawberry Festival Queen and Court coordinator, said. “High school students are so busy these days, and we certainly don’t want a young lady to not compete simply because she had another engagement the day of the orientation.”
Previously, young ladies who were interested in competing attended one mandatory orientation meeting where they would hear from festival officials, the queen and court coordinator, and members of the Plant City Lions Club regarding details of the competition and expectations of the incoming queen and court. In addition, applications were only made available at the orientation meeting.
“We feel like this will open it up and make it more convenient to compete,” Plant City Lions Club President Gail Lyons said.
Applications for the 2016 Florida Strawberry Festival Queen’s Competition will be available in early September in the festival’s administrative office and on the festival’s website, flstrawberryfestival.com.