Giving someone a makeover for their birthday isn’t too uncommon. Now that the Strawberry Hut is set to turn 21 next month, its “parents” — owners Troy and Betty Wilson — are going that route.
Moreover, they are bringing another eatery into the family.
The Plant City landmark, known more for its pressed Cuban sandwiches than its dining accommodations, will begin fixing the latter in July by adding an enclosed dine-in area for guests. The renovations also will include more equipment and elbow room for the employees working in the kitchen. Adding an indoor lobby will help boost the building’s size to roughly 1,852 square feet — tripling its current size — when complete.
After the Wilsons bought the old building, once home to a Supertest gas station and several restaurants, on July 20, 1993, they began to consider expansion for years. This just happened to be the time to get it done, and the couple is excited to give the building a new look for the first time in 21 years.
“My son, who I was then six months pregnant with, is getting married Saturday,” Betty Wilson says. “It’s funny that he’s all grown up now — I pulled up some pictures of when we started, and he was right there with me.”
Much of the Wilsons’ time has been consumed with their other, newer venture, though: The Strawberry Hut is branching out to Lakeland, and that location is just about ready to open its doors to the public.
“We thought about it for many years,” Wilson says. “We had a lot of customers ask us to open in other areas. We just solidified it a couple of months ago, and it’s just kind of one of those things you run across and decide to do.”
They’ll be occupying the building on 743 E. Memorial Blvd., which used to host a Bonanza and other restaurants. The Wilsons have been traveling back and forth from Plant City, renovating the building on Memorial to open in the first week of July.
“We’ve got a lot of customers in Lakeland, people that have been asking us for one a little closer,” she says. “People drive from there, and even Orlando, all the way to Plant City. We think that they would enjoy having one a little closer.”
Contact Justin Kline at jkline@plantcityobserver.com.
If the thought of Strawberry Hut’s famous pressed Cubans is making your mouth water all over the page, don’t worry: You’ll still be able to get your fill while the construction is underway.
Located at 1505 N. Wheeler St., the eatery is open from 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday through Saturday.