Last night around 6 p.m., Plant City Fire Rescue was dispatched to a reported structure fire at NuCycle Energy at 2067 S. County Line Rd. Upon arrival, crews found heavy smoke inside the structure and initiated an interior attack. The battalion chief and incident commander, knowing the building and its contents, quickly requested mutual aid assistance from Hillsborough County Fire Rescue. As the incident evolved and expanded, additional resources were requested from multiple agencies, including Tampa, Lakeland, Polk, and Pasco County.

The scene remains active and Plant City Streets & Stormwater Department and Utilities Department crews are also on scene, assisting with debris removal and overhaul of the fire. Fire Rescue anticipates being in scene at least through the rest of the day. There were no injuries and the cause of the fire is under investigation. “We are grateful for the assistance of Team Plant City and our local fire rescue partners,” said Fire Rescue Chief Jeremy Sidlauskas. “Without them, this situation could have been much worse!”
NuCycle Energy focuses on the development and implementation of processes and equipment that extends the lifecycle of pre-consumer, non-hazardous materials currently being generated by commercial business operations.

The company has proprietary technology to turn such materials into a cleaner, cost-effective alternative fuel engineered to reduce the amount of traditional fossil fuels used in industrial processes such as power plant operations and cement manufacturing.