The Mission of the Angel Foundation is to partner with businesses and individuals to be a caring resource for families in our community experiencing a temporary crisis due to a life-threatening illness or catastrophic event.
Their program matches families with local businesses and individuals with available resources to help meet practical needs. The foundation will also provide financial support for families in temporary crisis to ensure they stay on the road to self-sufficiency.
In addition, the Angel Foundation FL works with charitable organizations in Hillsborough County that provide a variety of resources to meet the needs of the community. “We cannot achieve our mission without the help of our community,” Liz Brewer, CEO of the Angel Foundation, said. “Your time, talents and treasure are our greatest asset. Be part of something bigger than you by being a part of this wonderful organization.”
The Angel Foundation has been serving the Brandon community for more than, 21 years and now they are branching out to Plant City. “We found that our footprint is in the greater Brandon community and its surrounding areas,” Brewer said. “We also have gotten requests for assistance from those in need in Plant City, so we want to help in that area as well.”
Lisa Nickel is a Plant City resident and became involved with The Angel Foundation three years ago after meeting Brewer and some of her team from the foundation. “After meeting them and learning about The Angel Foundation, it just struck me as something I wanted to be a part of, so I began to become involved with the foundation.”
Nickel will be leading the process to bring The Angel Foundation to Plant City. “We are going to host a luncheon on March 14 at 11:30 a.m. at the Outback Restaurant here in Plant City,” Nickel said. “We are looking for different businesses from the Plant City community to come and join us for lunch. We are not asking any of the business to be given or donated. We are asking them to offer their services at a discounted price or be willing to work with our families.”
Nickel is looking for local businesses like air conditioning, automotive, restaurants, hotels and builders that would be willing to offer their services at discounted rates to help those in need in the Plant City area. “Anyone who has a business and would like to help,” Nickel said. “We are also going to reach out to local churches to see if they would like to get teams together to help The Angel Foundation as well.”
Nickel and Brewer hope The Angel Foundation will make a big impact on the Plant City community as it has in the Brandon community. “There are a lot of families in Plant City that go through catastrophic events and we want to help them,” Nickel said.
If you would like to learn more about The Angel Foundation or if you’d like to become a volunteer with the foundation, you can visit their website at www.angelfoundationfl.com or call 813-689-6889.