The mission of the Arts Council of Plant City is to bring arts to the community, to promote education in the arts, to develop artists, and to develop arts programs. Among its wins have been its partnership with the Plant City government to bring Seward Johnson sculptures to downtown. This year’s open air display will arrive on December 3, and can be seen throughout Plant City until March 31, 2025.
The Arts Council is dedicated to cultural excellence, community outreach, and arts educational enrichment. The organization also aims to heighten community awareness, and participation in the programs the Arts Council offers. The Council also strives to increase the availability of arts experiences through arts education curriculum in local schools, through local theater productions, and through the presentation of professional and emerging artists such as musicians, visual artists, dancers, and actors.
The Council supports education to foster enthusiasm for the arts in the next generation. In support of this mission, the Arts Council gives $600 dollars each year to performing arts programs in Plant City high schools. They also give four annual $1000 scholarships to seniors from these local high schools who are continuing their educations and careers in literary, visual, performing, or culinary arts.
In another kind of service to the community, the Council pays for an annual field trip for 45 underprivileged elementary school children. The children get to pick places their families cannot afford to take them, such as the Florida Aquarium or ZooTampa. The children make their own art projects to go along with the trip so they can engage in art.
In addition to promoting the arts, the Council works with the City of Plant City to place banners along downtown streets to connect the community. For the last year-and-a-half, these banners have displayed names, ranks, and historical photos of Plant City veterans.
The Council holds community events. The next one is At Home for the Holidays, a festive tour of Plant City homes and featured businesses. The 37th annual event will be held on Sunday, December 8. Guests will be served light food and drink at each location. Tickets are $30 per person and must be reserved by November 25.
The second community event the Arts Council puts on is the Plant City Chilifest Cookoff, which coincides with the Railfest in Plant City. This event will be at the Robert W. Willaford Railroad Museum on Saturday, January 25. Chili chefs from around Plant City compete to make the best tasting chili in different categories. Up to 26 teams pay $30 to enter, and can win cash prizes and trophies. Spectators pay $5 for a spoonful of chili from each competitor. Last year thousands came to downtown to sample chili. As an added bonus, students at a dance studio, and a karate school demonstrate their arts to entertain the crowd.
The Plant City Arts Council is a 501c(3) non-profit organization and donations are tax deductible. For those who would like to join, annual memberships are in place for families, companies, and individuals, and cost from $25 to $1,000. “Get involved. See what we do.” Membership Chair Dodie White said.
The Arts Council Web site is under construction, but a membership application can be found on it at https://www.plantcityarts.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/2024-25-APPLICATION-ARTS-COUNCIL.pdf. Along with the application, checks should be made payable to: Arts Council of Plant City, and mailed to Dodie White, 2311 Walden Place South, Plant City, FL 33565. For more information call (813) 927-0595, or email dodiewhite@msn.com
“Support our events,” Marsha Passmore said. “We couldn’t do what we do in the community if we didn’t have people come to our events. Every cent raised goes right back into the community.”