Seasonal Affective Disorder doesn’t have to ruin your winter.
Even though winter sometimes seems like the Monday of seasons, certain actions may be taken to make it more enjoyable. The diagnosis of Seasonal Affective Disorder sometimes gets applied to wintertime dips in mood, but the motivation to make shorter days brighter does not need to come from having that condition.
You could remember a neglected activity that you want to reengage and then start to do that again. Getting outside brings contact with sunshine and this leads to the improvement of downward trending moods.
Having something to look forward to on a regular basis becomes important. Designating a gathering place to get together with people outside of the place where you live can enliven the day or evening. Reminding yourself of what you appreciate in life by making a gratitude list serves as an emotional boost. If you feel down, it becomes easy to forget the aspects of life that provide enjoyment.
One definition of leisure involves the experience of unfettered free-time. This means periods of relaxation uninvolved with everyday tasks. Engaging in these kinds of spontaneous, reflective moments leads to breakthroughs of thought and understanding.
Scott Toler is a licensed mental health counselor living in Plant City. He can be reached at etoler25@tampabay.rr.com.