The Brandon-based league for special needs players age 5 and up will kick off the registration period Aug. 10.
The Outreach Program for Soccer (TOPSoccer) is looking for Plant City-area players for its upcoming season.
The Brandon-based league for special needs players age 5 and up will kick off the registration period Aug. 10 at the West Florida Flames Soccer League fields, 3104 S. Kings Ave., Brandon. Athletes can sign up from 6 to 7:30 p.m. during three Friday/Saturday periods: Aug. 10 and 11, Aug. 17 and 18 and Aug. 24 and 25. All players are required to have a copy of their IEP at registration. High schoolers and adults interested in volunteering are asked to attend one of the registrations.
Brandon’s league, which began in 1998, has a “relaxed format” with no practices, scorekeeping or team standings and rankings. The program is free for families and supported by sponsors.
For more information, call Ken Muzyk at (813) 657-5271 or email Fred Englehardt at brandontops@aol.com. TOPSoccer also has a Facebook page, facebook.com/BrandonTOPSoccer, that is updated regularly.