Former Plant City Police Chief Steven Singletary and current City Commissioner Billy Keel will face no criminal charges regarding their actions that led ultimately to Singletary’s firing.
The Florida Department of Law Enforcement found no evidence of criminal actions by Singletary or Keel, FDLE Special Agent Rick Ramirez wrote in his report, which Plant City officials received July 22. The FDLE launched its investigation at the request of former Mayor Mary Thomas Mathis — as well as Keel.
“I asked for an outside and unbiased investigation into some allegations that were made against me,” Keel said. “I did so to clear my name and to give the citizens of this community confidence in me as their elected official.
“That investigation concluded yesterday, with the results that I have known all along,” he said. “The FDLE, after a very thorough investigation, found no evidence of wrongdoing and cleared me. I am glad to have this matter closed, and I sincerely hope to return the focus to getting on with the business of the City of Plant City.”
Regarding the allegations that Singletary falsified time sheets to carry out an extramarital affair, Ramirez wrote: “Based upon a review of the facts and circumstances in this matter, coupled with sworn testimony and documents obtained during this investigation, the FDLE found no viable evidence to establish a criminal predicate. Therefore, this office will take no further action in this matter.”
Ramirez used the same words to describe the FDLE’s investigation into allegations that Keel had attempted, via a third party, to persuade a witness not to talk to investigators.
“To say today’s announcement was well received by our family would be an understatement,” Singletary said. “While we remained confident FDLE’s finding would be positive, the outpouring of community support during this time has been tremendous. For that, I am humbled and grateful. I look forward to our hometown being able to move forward with more important matters as everyone’s lives return to normal.”
Keel, a friend of the former chief, said he is thankful the Singletary family can move forward.
“I am also happy that Steve Singletary was cleared,” he said. “Unfortunately, Mr. Singletary lost a very long and distinguished career in law-enforcement over an affair. I never believed there was anything more than that, and I’m glad FDLE came to the same conclusion.”
Mayor Rick Lott agreed.
“I am happy this is behind Billy Keel, and I applaud him for asking for this investigation,” Lott said. “Billy is a bright financial mind, and we need him as we move forward trying to balance the budget.
“I also wish the best for the Singletary family as they move forward,” he said.
The FDLE’s findings conclude a long investigation that began in January, when city officials learned of Singletary’s affair. Singletary was fired Jan. 28, and the city hired retired Hillsborough sheriff’s Col. Ed Duncan as its new chief.