Over 70 acres of land were sold to McCraney Property for development that totals more than 1,000,000-square-feet.
If commercial developers were moths, County Line Road would be the brightest flame in Florida.
In January, full-service real estate development and property management company Central Florida Development began building its first 100,000-square-foot building along the County Line Road corridor. Since then, CFD has leased the space to three other companies: Appalachian Insulation Supply Inc., SparkleSkirts and Fitlife Foods.
Last month, Central Florida Development announced further plans for County Line, including intentions to build a 72-acre business park on County Line, which is nestled along the booming I-4 corridor.
And on Monday, May 16, local berry farmer Carl Grooms and his wife, Dee Dee Grooms, announced that they had sold over 70 acres of their land to McCraney Property Company for development.
The prime real estate borders County Line, Drane Field, Rice and Fancy Farms Road — one of only four places in Florida with such access.
"I'm not going to get excited until it's done," Carl Grooms said. He announced the plans at the Plant City EDC meeting Monday. "There were plans in the making for something like this from the get-go. I'm proud for me and everybody involved in it."
The plans, which are currently under review by the City of Plant City's Planning and Zoning Department, include development of four buildings totaling 1,350,520-square-feet. The property is located less than miles from I-4.
The property has been dubbed the County Line Logistics Center at Fancy Farms. Like Central Florida Development, the buildings will likely be leased to other companies.
"You don't know how honored I am to have this property," Steve McCraney, of McCraney Property Company, said. "This is the American Dream. If you want to be anywhere in Florida … you want to be in Plant City."
Contact Emily Topper at etopper@plantcityobserver.com.