Spring brings more activity from Florida’s wildlife.
Spring is here and local wildlife species have taken note. As Florida’s temperatures rise, many native wildlife species become more active for migration, breeding, feeding and nesting. This increased level of wildlife activity means that people could be more likely to encounter wildlife and should take precautions to avoid disrupting these natural behaviors and prevent conflicts with wildlife.
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) has offered the following tips on how to enjoy and help conserve Florida wildlife during spring:
Bats – Spring is when bats start to give birth and raise their young. Bat maternity season starts April 15 and runs through Aug. 15. During this time, it is illegal to block bats from their roosts. If bats are excluded during maternity season, flightless baby bats can be trapped inside the structure and die. Now is the time to do final spring checks of your home for any entry points, ensure that no bats are present and make any necessary repairs. If bats are found, take steps to properly install a bat exclusion device before bat maternity season begins. Exclusion devices, which allow bats to exit a structure but block them from returning to roosts, are the only legal and appropriate method to remove bats from your home or building.
Alligators– Warmer temperatures means alligators are more active and visible. While serious injuries caused by alligators are rare, keep a safe distance if you see an alligator and never feed one, swim only in designated swimming areas during daylight hours (alligators are most active between dusk and dawn), keep pets on a leash and away from the water’s edge and call FWC’s Nuisance Alligator Hotline at 866-FWC-GATOR if you believe an alligator poses a threat to people, pets or property and the FWC will dispatch a contracted nuisance alligator trapper to resolve the situation.
Bears – As spring temperatures warm, bears become more active, increasing the opportunities for potential conflicts with people. During this time of year, females are teaching their cubs what to eat and the skills necessary to survive. Help make sure that garbage, pet food or bird seed in your yard is not part of that learning experience by removing attractants from your property. If bears can’t find food sources in your yard or neighborhood, they will move on.
Gopher Tortoises – Spring days are a good time to spot a gopher tortoise, as Florida’s only native tortoise becomes more active, foraging for food and searching for a mate. If you see gopher tortoises or their half-moon shaped burrow entrances, it is best to leave them alone. You can help a gopher tortoise cross a road by picking it up and placing it in a safe location along the roadside in the direction it was heading. But only do this if it is safe for you to do so and remember the tortoise is a land animal, so never attempt to put it into water.
Injured and Orphaned Wildlife – If you find a baby animal, it is best to leave it alone. Young animals are rarely orphaned; a parent may be nearby searching for food. You can report common wildlife you think could be injured or orphaned to a licensed wildlife rehabilitator.
Snakes – Keep an eye out for snakes in your yard or when hiking, as they could be encountered more as the weather warms. What should you do if you come upon a native snake? Just give them space. Snakes don’t purposefully position themselves to frighten people and usually try to avoid encounters.
For more information on wildlife, visit www.fwc.com. If you witness someone committing a wildlife violation, please contact the FWC’s Wildlife Alert Hotline: 888-404-FWCC (3922) or text 847411 (Tip411) with keyword “FWC” and information about the violation.