Sharon Flowers’ eyes began to fill with tears. She was discussing the movie, “Taking Chance.” In a scene that pierced her heart, a soldier was escorting a fallen U.S. Marine back to his hometown.
“My job is to make sure that they will never be forgotten,” Flowers said.
Flowers has made it her lifelong mission to support the troops. She has been involved in numerous non-profit organizations whose aim is to help service members.
Her newest project is Warriors at Heart. At the beginning of the year, she started the group with her 11-year-old cousin, Megan Flowers. Since then, they have been active but still need help with more volunteers and donations.
The duo now is working on raising money for Wreaths Across America. The wreaths will be placed on graves at Florida National Cemetery, in Bushnell. Donors don’t have to be present.
However, they’ve only sold two wreaths. They are looking to sell 200. The deadline is Dec. 2. Flowers has hit the streets, asking businesses for donations. So far, no one has offered to help.
“We appreciate them and we want to show them we appreciate them,” Flowers said.
Flowers passion always has been the military. Her family jokes her activism was a product of her environment. When her mother was pregnant with her, they lived on a military base. When she was 3 days old, she was adopted. And her adoptive father had military experience, as well. He was drafted into the Army in the 1960s.
“My entire life, I’ve been a major military lover,” Flowers said.
So much so that she wanted to join the Army herself, but a bout of scarlet fever ended that dream. She became deaf in one ear, and the military could not accept her.
Perhaps her destiny took that turn so she could impact so many other lives through her charity work.
Flowers is on the board of the Special Olympics, works with the Wounded Warrior Project and the National Veterans Wheelchair Games.
Through all her work, her younger cousin, Megan Flowers, has been watching. She came to Flowers to ask if they could create Warriors at Heart.
“They’re fighting for our freedom,” Megan said. “It’s kind of cool how they’re helping us. I want to help them.”
Since then, the duo has been making cards, sending packages and helping out at the Savage Race.
But, Megan’s favorite thing to do is bake for soldiers alongside her role model.
“I love to bake and create things,” Megan said.
The Knights Elementary fifth-grader has been so dedicated to her cause that she even skipped a family day at SeaWorld to help out at the Savage Race.
“As a mother, it makes me feel proud that she wants to do something,” Florence Flowers said. “She’s an inspiration to other children and adults.”
Florence also has joined Warriors at Heart and is by their side in many of the projects.
“These things that I’m going to are just eye-opening,” Florence said.
Megan already has decided that she wants to join the U.S. Air Force.
“I don’t have a problem with her doing it, because I’ll know she’ll be doing something for someone else,” Florence said.
Until then, Megan will be working with her mother and Flowers to grow Warriors at Heart.
Contact Amber Jurgensen at ajurgensen@plantcityobserver.com.
As part of Wreaths for America, Warriors at Heart are raising donations for 200 wreaths that will be placed on graves at Florida National Cemetery, in Bushnell.
To help visit wreathsacrossamerica.org and search Bushnell in the locations tab. You can also contact Sharon Flowers at sharonflowers2002@yahoo.com or visit the Warriors at Heart Facebook page at facebook.com/groups/warriorsatheart.
Warriors at Heart also helps with the Special Olympics. They need team members and donors for a Feb. 1, 2014, Polar Plunge that benefits the cause.
Contact Sharon Flowers at sharonflowers2002@yahoo.com or visit firstgiving.com/team/240318.