Now that the All-Stars issue is an annual tradition, Plant City youths have started to catch on.
When we first began the All-Stars issue under my watch, I wasn’t sure who would enjoy it more: myself, the coaches or the kids.
Three years later, I feel like I have an answer.
Doing this has been fun for all, but I noticed, going from team to team for photos and interviews, a huge difference this year: the athletes already knew about the issue. Many were totally stoked to see me walk up with my camera hanging from my neck.
Every year, kids and parents mistake me for one of the paid photographers during their team portraits and ask about payment.
“I’m the free one,” I tell them. “I’m with the newspaper.”
This year, the athletes lit up hearing me say that. Not to discredit the guys who came out for the official team photos, with the bats and hats and organized lineups, but it looked like the athletes were way more excited to know they were getting some face time in their hometown paper.
In some cases, I was recognized from interviewing many of these kids for our Athlete of the Week section. I may not always remember names off the top of my head, at least on the first try, but it’s a cool feeling when you show up somewhere and the kids know, if you’re here, then they’re about to get some time in the spotlight.
I’m glad the annual All-Star edition has worked out so well. It all goes back to the first day former Managing Editor Mike Eng and I talked about the idea. We’re doing this — and we have always done this — strictly for the kids.
This is all about giving them something to feel good about, to remind them their hard work during the season has paid off. Even though this is an award-winning section — former designer Jess Eng and I won a first-place Florida Press Association award for the 2014 edition — the only thing I care about is if the kids are happy by the time they finally get their hands on the paper.
Seeing the reactions the section has gotten, especially this year, has me convinced that we’re meeting that goal.
Contact Justin Kline at jkline@plantcityobserver.com.