Today is probably my favorite federal holiday of the year. Food, friends, family and football are all things that make me happy, so, to get all four things in one day? I’m definitely good with that.
Not that I can’t get all of those things together on Christmas; it’s just that I’ve gotten old enough to where I get the same gifts every year (Thanks again for the sweatpants, Santa!), and a younger me had been compared too often to Ralphie from “A Christmas Story.” I stopped asking for a BB gun many years ago.
You’re probably spending time with your family, and I’d encourage you to eat either before or after the Raiders-Cowboys game. Or, if you’re like me, you’ll be spending the holiday with your friends, keeping an annual tradition alive and having a good time either way.
So, let’s not lose sight of what this day really means for us.
Let’s all take at least a moment to reflect on the things in our lives for which we’re thankful. Whether we take them for granted or not, it’s all worth examining. We’ve heard from a few of you this week, as seen in an earlier page of this issue, and we’re glad that you all were willing to share your thoughts with us.
I have a lot to be thankful for myself and, this year, much of it has to do with being here in Plant City.
It’s been two months and 10 days since I took this job, and I couldn’t have made the transition from the hustle and bustle of a metro daily to a hyper-local publication as smoothly without the help of my co-workers, as well as many of you who are reading this.
I’m thankful that, before he left, Matt Mauney showed me the ropes and gave me just about every resource I needed to start on a good note. Meanwhile, in Orlando, Matt is thankful for Georgia Southern’s big football win over the Florida Gators on Saturday, and he still may be celebrating right now. That one eased some of the pain from the season his Atlanta Falcons are having.
I’m thankful that I’ve been given the opportunity to work with such a dedicated Times & Observer staff, which made me feel welcome from the get-go. Mike, Amber, Jess, Linda, Veronica, Joanna and Tony: I’m glad to be a part of this team every day that I come to work.
And I can’t forget to be thankful for all of the coaches, parents, athletes and others who have helped me do my job week in and week out. Although a few of you still sent emails to Matt for a while, it’s been a pleasure working with everyone. From keeping me in the loop on current events, to making time to talk to me, to going out onto the playing field and putting on a heck of a show, you’re the reason I can publish this Sports section every Thursday and deliver quality content.
Finally, I’d like to thank you readers for picking up a copy or checking out the website. It’s only recently gotten to the point where people have recognized me in the street or out on assignment, so I’m still getting used to that. But, it’s no big deal — I appreciate it when kids or adults stop me to say hello, because it makes me feel like I must be doing a decent job with this section.
I know I’m going to enjoy the chance to relax today, as it’s been a little while since I could take some time off for fun. I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving, too!