Holly wins a free car wash from Octopus Car Wash for her photo of her son, Noah.
Noah, 7 months, has only been eating solid foods for a month, and it was perfect timing for strawberry season. He loves Plant City strawberries and eats them every day, mixed with other locally grown fruits and vegetables. Mother Holly Collins makes a trip to a Plant City farmer’s market once a week and loves being able to make his baby food out of fresh, locally grown produce. She took this picture during this year’s Florida Strawberry Festival.
Holly wins a free car wash from Octopus Car Wash. She can claim the wash with an ID at Octopus Car Wash, 1503 S. Collins St.
Do you have a picture that speaks to the personality of Plant City? To enter the I Love Plant City photo contest, email that photo and a caption to Managing Editor Amber Jurgensen at ajurgensen@plantcityobserver.com. Winners will have their picture featured and receive a special gift.