Plant City Observer

Wish Farms releases children’s book

Misty the Garden Pixie fluttered off the pages of her very own book onto the grounds of the Florida Strawberry Festival on its last day. In her signature red dress, airy purple wings and strawberry-blond locks, Misty helped with a signing for a brand new children’s book published by Wish Farms.

The book, “Misty the Garden Pixie,” is the vision of Wish Farms’ third-generation family owner, Gary Wishnatzki. It follows friendly pixie, Misty, as she works at the berry patch making sure the berries are sweet with her magic. But, she doesn’t just make the berries sweet. Pete, a bully pixie, gets some magic dusted on him after his mama brings him to Misty for some help.

The book is written by Gary’s wife, Therese Wishnatzki, and illustrated by a family friend, Joey Donovan.

“We really wanted it to be about the character,” said Amber Kosinsky, director of marketing for Wish Farms.

In fact, there is quite a story behind the Misty persona. In 2010, Wish Farms rebranded and wanted to adopt a new logo. Several different icons arose, including a shooting star. But, it was Misty, nameless at the time, that tested well. Since then, the company has added more details to her, such as the red dress and strawberry-blond hair, which was influenced by Vice President of Operations Andy Gutierrez.

About a year ago, Kosinsky and Wishnatzki were talking about branding again. They brainstormed an idea to play off Misty and give her life — a children’s book.

“Our lightbulbs went off,” Wishnatzki said.

The book also coincided with the birth of the Wishnatzki’s first grandchild. The book is dedicated to William James Peterson, who was born Oct, 27, the same day as his mother, Elizabeth.

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Misty certainly has taken on a life of her own. She has her own page on the Wish Farms website that features a Pixie Training video on classes Misty teaches. The training includes courses in skipping, wand-waving and smiling. She also writes a blog about recipes and stories.

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Kosinsky and Wishnatzki hope to keep growing Misty as an icon. There currently are no plans for a second book, but Kosinsky said it is a possibility. They have attended Great American Teach-In events in the past to teach local students about farming. In the future, they hope to bring Misty along to read the book to the students. And on Misty’s webpage, they want to create and produce a video about Pete that will serve as a prequel to the book.

Contact Amber Jurgensen at


“Misty the Garden Pixie” is for sale for $4.95 online at or at The Corner Store, 121 E. Reynolds St. Children also can view her videos and more at


What is Misty’s job on the farms?

Misty’s position at Wish Farms is to magically enhance the sweetness of the berries.

What are Misty’s favorite hobbies?

She likes to spend time on the farm, looking over the berries. She also enjoys wand waving, twirling and smiling.

What is Misty’s favorite food?

Strawberries and blueberries, of course!

Source: Wish Farms

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