Bruton Memorial Library will be creating a new reading and conference room.
February marks the completion of one year of a completely new administration for Plant City’s Bruton Memorial Library. Tonda Morris, who began as library director in February 2015, and City Manager Mike Herr, who took the city’s reins in September 2014, have reported to the City Commission and the library board on their first year improvements to our library. Bruton has been known as one of Plant City’s quiet gems, routinely serving about 20,000 people each month. If you visit our 20,000-square-foot library frequently, you know it has provided its services to us for many years.
With future expansion of the library an unknown and unplanned possibility, goal number one of our new administrative team has been to retrofit, upgrade and maximize the library’s existing space. So, in addition to conducting the normal operation of the library, let’s take a look at some of their accomplishments in a year.
- Strengthened ties with the Hillsborough County Library Coop, Pinellas and Polk county libraries.
- Succeeded in getting Hillsborough County Library Coop to take financial responsibility for the library’s 40-plus public computers.
- Installed new air conditioning.
- Installing a new roof in March.
- Pressure washed outside walls.
- Added double book deposit in drive-thru and moved one book deposit to main entrance.
- Designed and issued new library cards.
- Spruced up the Maida and Billy Pou Porch.
- Cleared out the lobby so safety workers can view the inside of the library through the glassed-in lobby in the event of an emergency.
- Lowered many book shelves for greater visibility across the library.
- Rearranged children’s area furniture to increase capacity.
- Rearranged all furniture to increase access to electrical outlets for personal computer users.
- Combined reference and checkout desks for greater efficiency.
- Strengthened book sales by clearing out storeroom and moving books for sale to a part of the library trafficked by more patrons.
- Moved book hold shelves outside the checkout desk, so patrons can self-serve when they have placed a book on reserve. Redid staff break room and reorganized staff work room for greater efficiency.
Those are some of the changes already accomplished, and with joint funding from the Friends of the Library and the city other changes are in the process of implementation.
What’s next
Increasing services to more ages and groups has raised noise levels in the library, and many nonprofit organizations have few free space options in Plant City to provide services and hold meetings.
Creative plans should be completed by May 1 to glass in the former magazine and newspaper reading alcove as the new Cookie Smith Reading and Conference Room. The floor-to-ceiling glass wall will provide a sound barrier for the space without a visual barrier, and the new reading and conference room will provide more space options for conference rooms.
Removing a wall between two of the library’s small meeting rooms has provided yet another option for larger meeting room space.
A new radio frequency book identification (RFID) system is being installed, which will strengthen management and security of the book inventory and facilitate patron self-checkout of books and materials. Bruton will be the first library in Hillsborough County to have the new RFID system.
So, Plant City taxpayer and East Hillsborough Bruton Memorial Library patron, you be the judge. If you agree with the Plant City Times & Observer, you will be impressed with the first-year accomplishments of our new Bruton Library and city administration.
Felix Haynes is a co-owner of the Plant City Times & Observer.