Plant City neighborhood gets patriotic and a local author is headed to Comic Con.
Neighborhood showcases patriotism
Residents at the Preserves at Walden Lake united to show their patriotism for July 4 by unanimously agreeing to participate in flying flags for the holiday. Every resident purchased a flag, pole and mount and a handful of neighbors volunteered to install each unit. There are 39 flags mounted and flying in the neighborhood, and the plan is for them to continue flying year-round.

Plant City author headed to Comic Con
T. Allen Diaz (above), a lifelong resident of Tampa Bay and Plant City resident, is debuting his fourth graphic novel at the Tampa Bay Comic Con on July 28.
The novel, “Lunatic City,” is a detective noir that takes place on the moon. “It has a kind of Blade Runner feel to it,” Diaz said. “Essentially it’s about a detective that’s going through a divorce and is investigating the murder of his partner on his own time and he has to take a side job as a private investigator. He ends up taking a job for a pretty shady guy and as he gets deeper and deeper into this he realizes he’s really into something pretty dark and shady.”
His previous works include the Proceena trilogy. All four will be available at Bard’s Tower, a traveling bookstore that follows the Comic Con circuit, on July 28. He plans to do a handful of signings prior to the convention around Tampa Bay.