Plant City Elks Lodge covers outstanding lunch debt for 14 schools and Knights of Columbus donates to Cristo Rey Tampa High School.
Plant City Elks Lodge covers outstanding lunch debt for 14 schools
On May 23 The Plant City Elks Lodge covered outstanding lunch debt for local schools. Marty Carroll, Exalted Ruler, and his wife Shelly presented 14 checks amounting to $2,400 to Sharon Morris, Superintendent for Area VI, Hillsborough County Schools, on behalf of the principals of those schools. The delinquent lunch balances can have consequences for the children. The schools can withhold report cards and diplomas for unpaid balances. The balances are not from the families that qualify for free or reduced lunch costs, but from families that may be struggling.

Knights of Columbus school donation
Knights of Columbus Council 8095 donated $500 to Cristo Rey Tampa High School. President Tony DeFrancesco presented the check to Katy Schroeder and Joe Tomaino at the school, which is a college prep and work study center. Knights Council #8095 at St. Clement Catholic Church has donated a total $5,000 this year to ten organizations including San Jose Mission in Dover, area centers for pregnancy care, food for the needy and programs for the disabled and St. Clement’s new mission to improve rural water supplies in the Dominican Republic.