The event will be held at Kelller Williams Realty in Plant City.
The American Business Women's Association (ABWA) will be hosting the Plant City Leap Toward Breast Health event on Monday, Feb. 29.
Tampa Bay Mobile Mammography will be at Keller Williams Realty, 1607 S. Alexander St. Attendees of the event will be able to get 3D mammograms for $149, the cost of a standard 2D mammogram.
Space is limited. Event attendees can register for a mammogram at TampaBayMobileMammography.com. Plant City attendees should select the ABWA chapter option when registering.
Attendees must provide the name, address and phone of their current physician so that the results of the mammogram can be mailed. Physicians will receive a copy of the mammogram within 30 days after the exam.
Mammograms will be available Feb. 29, from 9:20 a.m. to 3:50 p.m.
Further event details can be found on ABWA's Facebook page for the event, ABWA Plant City Leap Towards Breast Health.
Contact Emily Topper at etopper@plantcityobserver.com.