Both courts were honored at the City Commission meeting on Monday, Feb. 22.
This year's Plant City royalty were honored with proclamations at the City Commission meeting on Monday, Feb. 22.
2016 Florida Strawberry Festival Queen Haley Riley introduced her court to the City Commissioners and meeting attendees. Mayor Rick Lott presented Riley, along with First Maid Morgan Gaudens and Court members Alex Aponte, Ashtyn Steele and Ashlyn Yarbrough, with proclamations.

The 2016 Junior Royalty Court, led by Queen Kendall Gaudens, also received proclamations. The City Commission presented the proclamations to Kendall Gaudens, Princess Peyton Hobbs, Duchess Skyler Barber and Baroness Aubrey Duncan.
The Florida Strawberry Festival's Queen Court and Junior Royalty Court represent Plant City throughout the year, including multiple event appearances during the 11-day Florida Strawberry Festival.
Contact Emily Topper at etopper@plantcityobserver.com.